Who is this Fish named Fred?
A Fish Named Fred is a fresh and crisp lifestyle concept with original and colourful elements that stands out from the crowd by using luxurious materials and refined details.
Fred’s message is as simple as it is important; be proud and stand out. It comes from the brand’s core belief that life is
just too short to be average. With colourful and original designs, AFNF works hard to keep every collection fresh, sharp and impossible to miss out on.
So who are these so-called Freds? Being a Fred is something of all ages, all occupations and all nationalities. Freds are easily recogniable due to their ability to turn nothing into something, grey into colourful and ordinary into legendary.
Men that wear A Fish Named Fred are fearless, daring and brave. With designs that are fresh and original you’re sure to stand out and impress. You will never be bored with a Fred.
Born and bred in Amsterdam, Fred sure is a good catch! 41% crazy, 82% fun, 66% unique, 31% fresh, 200% FISH.