Style Consulting - Tailors of DistinctionTailors of Distinction

Style Consulting

Tailors of Distinction offers a comprehensive fashion & Style consulting service to assist with all suit and sports-coats purchases. Our experienced and friendly consultants will assist you in making all the right choices when choosing your cloth. Are you looking at replacing an outdated wardrobe? We can provide assistance with creating suit and sports-coat combinations, matching ties, belts and shoes. Our boutique can supply you with all the essential elements that make up a gentlemen’s classic wardrobe.

We understand how challenging it can be to dress in a way that compliments your own personal tastes, body shape and complexion. That’s where we can help.

Let us assist you in getting the most out of your future wardrobe. Have it seamlessly integrate with what you already have. Please call 8373 5658 to make an appointment. Speak to Andrew, Sarah or Dawn about having your suit or sports-coat made.
